Same-Sex Legal Services Attorneys in Las Vegas
You Deserve a Lawyer Who Puts Your Family First
You may already be exhausted from your current family situation. Working with an attorney who takes your money without actually helping you get the results that you and your loved one seeks is the last thing you need—We get it! That’s why we are committed to diligently working to ensure that your rights are protected.
Your family deserves a lawyer with experience. We have more than three decades of experience helping clients through their challenging and personal matters.
Whether you are preparing to unite with the same-sex partner you love or have made the difficult decision to divorce or terminate a domestic partnership, we understand that making decisions can be hard. We are here to help with each of these legal matters.
You can trust your case to Law Practice, Ltd. When needed, we even bring in experts who help us get the job done. When you walk through our office doors, you are after positive results, and that is what we will strive to achieve.
To learn more about how our firm can help you, please call (702) 899-2875
Changing Your Name in Las Vegas
You and your partner may have discussed whether one or both of you will change your names after the wedding. You can make copies of your marriage license for most name changes or may require a certified copy of your marriage license for banks and many government organizations. Should you need assistance with a name change, Law Practice, Ltd., can help.
Pre-Nuptial Agreements
A pre-nuptial agreement is a contract that the couple enters into before getting married. This agreement will establish at the outset how to handle matters if the couple later divorces.
In reality, a marriage has a business component many people don’t consider when planning a wedding. Most people don’t know that from the date of your marriage, your earnings are equally the property of your spouse. Likewise, any debts you incur are also the responsibility of your spouse.
A discussion about a pre-nuptial agreement does not sound very romantic and is often a delicate subject to raise with your potential spouse. However, with the right approach, it allows the parties to enter into their marriage union with confidence. Because of this, couples may wish to consider a pre-marital agreement that is fair to both spouses and lets a couple begin their new life together without the uncertainty about what the future may bring.
If you and your spouse are planning to start a family, there are many options available to you. There are adoption agencies, surrogates, egg and sperm donors, and other reproductive methods providing new technology that never existed before to enable a couple to raise a child.
You will be provided with the experience and knowledge necessary to assist you in navigating the details of facilitating this process and making sure that your rights are protected. Expectations and details must be clearly documented so that all parties to such contracts are protected.

What You May Not Know About the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling
Decided on June 26, 2015 in a 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision ruled that all states are required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to recognize same-sex marriages validly performed in other jurisdictions. This held all state same-sex marriage bans to be unconstitutional and legalized same-sex marriage in all remaining states.
The decision came on the second anniversary of the United States v. Windsor ruling that struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which denied federal recognition of same-sex marriages. It also came on the twelfth anniversary of Lawrence v. Texas which struck down sodomy laws in 13 states. Each justice's opinion on Obergefell was consistent with their opinion in Windsor. In both cases, Justice Kennedy authored the majority opinion and was considered the "swing vote"
For more information about our same-sex legal services in Las Vegas, please call us at (702) 899-2875.
“Ann Kolber is an extremely intelligent and compassionate lawyer. Very hardworking and dedicated. Family law can be very stressful, however, Ann is able to redirect and open your mind to the bigger picture.”Yvette D.
“Her office is comfortable and not intimidating, and she took the time to understand my case and show empathy. She knows the family court system in Las Vegas very well and is highly experienced.”Former Client
“Ms. Kolber and her assistant were there every step of the way. I would recommend her to anyone who needed either legal advice. I'm very satisfied.”Annacelia M.

Meet Our Dedicated Attorneys
Skilled attorneys who specialize in divorce and family law, providing you with the knowledge and support you need at every stage. At Law Practice, Ltd., we’re here to provide you with the support you need during one of life’s most challenging times.